Responsive Grids & Layouts

Responsive Grids & Layouts

Quality UI relies on appropriate spacing and alignments to arrange design elements.

In keeping with the vision for an easy-to-understand product, I opted for a relatively simple 4-8-16 column progression, for mobile to desktop break points.

Quality UI relies on appropriate spacing and alignments to arrange design elements.

In keeping with the vision for an easy-to-understand product, I opted for a relatively simple 4-8-16 column progression, for mobile to desktop break points.

Mood Boards

Mood Boards

Mood Boards

Developing mood boards helped crystallize the aesthetic vision for the product.

I experimented with color palettes, imagery, and typography to set the tone for eventual wireframing and prototyping.

This creative aspect was fun, yet focused with an eye towards business objectives such as guiding new investors alongside a user-centric focus on serving the primary persona's stated needs and goals.

Developing mood boards helped crystallize the aesthetic vision for the product.

I experimented with color palettes, imagery, and typography to set the tone for eventual wireframing and prototyping.

This creative aspect was fun, yet focused with an eye towards business objectives such as guiding new investors alongside a user-centric focus on serving the primary persona's stated needs and goals.